Attindas Aneby production plant certified as climate neutral

We would like to share with you that Attindas Aneby Production plant certified as climate neutral.

By improving energy efficiency and using electricity and heat generated from renewable sources the plant has reduced its yearly scope 1 and 2 emissions with over 95% since the first energy audit was performed in 2003. At the same time the production has doubled.  In 2021 we decided to compensate for the remaining 5% and to include some additional scope 3 emissions covering for example employee commuting and home offices to certify the plant as climate neutral.

Compensation is done by purchasing Gold Standard certified verified emission reductions from Climate Partner. Attends is supporting projects for clean oceans and independent wind energy in the Philippines.

The wind energy project (1091 wind energy Luzon) fully covers our remaining emissions and the Clean Oceans project (1087 Clean Oceans) provides additional benefits by collecting 10 kg of plastic waste per ton CO2 compensated.

Stopping ocean plastic while improving the lives of those who are most affected - this is the approach taken by the Plastic Bank. In Haiti, Indonesia, Brazil and the Philippines, people collect plastic waste. At local collection points, they can exchange it for money, food, drinking water or even school fees. The project makes sure that less plastic ends up in the sea. Instead, it is recycled and turned into so-called Social Plastic, which serves as raw material for new products such as packaging.