Corporate Governance

When it comes to our employees, our neighbors, and our communities, we strive do be diligent citizens and strive to achieve the highest standards. 

We value and respect human rights in all aspects of business, holding ourselves responsible for ensuring our business methods are ethical and auditable.

We believe in ethical business practices

We firmly believe that the way we do our business is just as important as the business that we do. Understanding and practicing the ethical standards outlined in our code of conduct is one of the foundations of our success as an organization and as individual contributors.
Attindas Code of Conduct
Attindas Uppförandekod
Attindas Verhaltenskodex
Attindas Code de conduite
Attindas Código de conduta
Attindas Código de conducta

We respect human rights

As one of our fundamental values, we strive to respect and promote human rights in our relationships with our employees and our business partners. We also hold our business partners to the same standards. Our business actions will not cause or contribute to human rights infringements.

We encourage raising concerns

Our whistleblowing program is an early warning system to reduce risks throughout our business. The program is integral in fostering high ethical standards so as to ensure customer and public confidence in the way we do business. Our whistleblowing program is provided by an external partner, to ensure confidentiality and anonymity.

Additionally, we encourage our business partners (including customers, suppliers, contractors and anyone interacting with Attindas for business purposes) to report any reasonable suspicion of a violation of the Attindas Code of Conduct, or any other unethical or unlawful behavior in the context of a business interaction between a business partner and Attindas.

Our whistleblower site for business partners can be found at

Business Conduct Standards for Suppliers

We are committed to sourcing responsibly and ensuring that our Suppliers conduct their operations in a socially responsible manner. Transparency and sustainability are critical elements to our Supply Chain. We expect our Suppliers to follow the standards of our Code, or otherwise act in a manner consistent with our standards.